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Space Hulk 3rd Edition Missions Pdf Download


CONTENTS Introduction . Disaster at Secoris The Sin of Damnation. Boarding the Space Hulk . Mission Briefing . Mission I - SuicideMission Mission II - Exterminate Mission III - Rescue Mission IV -Cleanse & Burn Mi ssion V - Decoy . . .... .... ... . MissionVI - Alarm Call . .. .2 .. . .3 .6 .8 .. . 9 . . ... . 10 . . . 12... 14 .. . .. 16 .. . 18 ..... . . .20 Mission VII - The Artefact....... ... .... . . . 22 Mission VIII - Escape Route . . . . .24Mission IX - Regroup .. . . .... . . . . .26 Mission X - Defend ..... . . .. . .28 Mission XI - Unknown Lifeforms Missi on XII -Pitfall . The Imperium of Man . The Space Marines The Blood AngelsBlood Angels 1 st Company Terminator Armour & Weapons ... .30 .. .32 . 34 .. .36 . ... .38 .. . . 39 ... . 40 Heroes of the 1 stCompany ... ........ . .. .42 The Tyranids . .... .. . . . . . . ...46 INTRODUCTION Throughout the galaxy, the Imperium wages waragainst the many deadly enemies of humanity. However, none of theseenemies are as feared as the dreaded Genestealers. Thesehorrifying, six-limbed monstrosities travel across the galaxy inderelict space hulks in search of new planets to conquer. Only t hemighty Space Marines stand between the Genestealers and thedestruction of Mankind. Armed with an array of powerful weapons andprotected by massive Terminator armour, small squads of SpaceMarines board space hulks to confront the Genestealers head on. Ofthe many battles that have taken place against the Genestealersthat infest the galaxy, none was quite as desperate as the actionthat took place on board the space hulk' codenamed Sin ofDamnation. This book tells t he story of that battle, and includestwelve different mi ssions based on t he campaign. The Mission Bookis split into three main sections: The Campaign Background, TheMissions, and The Imperium of Man. The Campaign Backgrounddescribes the history of the Sin of Damnation campaign, startingwith the Blood Angel s' f irst disastrous encounter with theGenestealers in the Secoris system. It t akes t he st ory up to thepoint that the Blood Angels board the Sin of Damnation, intent ondestroying the Genestealers that lurked within and in so doingredeeming the honour of their Chapter. This is where you come in -the ultimate fate of the Space Marines is in your hands from thispoint on. The Missions that follow describe the pivot al moments ofthe Blood Angels' ensuing campaign against the Genestealers. Aswell as describing what happened on board the Sin of Damnation, themissions provide all of t he game information you need to refightthese key battles using the rules found in the Space Hulk Rulebook.Last but far f rom least, the f inal section of t his bookdescribes the background for the Space Hul k game. Space Hulk isset almost 40,000 years in our future. In the dark universe of the41 st Mi ll ennium, vast and terrible forces threaten the veryexistence of humanity and al ien races ravage ent ire solarsystems. Shielded only by the potent psychic power of the immortalEmperor, the Imperium of Man is besieged by its enemies and ourmost potent weapon against these terrible foes are the SpaceMarines of the Adeptus Astartes. The Mission Book describes thesedark and compelling t imes, and includes detailed backgroundinformation on the Blood Angels and t he al ien Genestealers . . .' . -Z' -'-_._"'-;-, -;: ---- c : . ....-----...;.: -- - ----'DISASTER AT SECORIS In the year 996.M40, an Imperial Navy patrolpassing through the Secoris system detected a large space hulkdrifting in-system, drawn by the star's gravitational pull. Thefourth world of the Secoris system was a populous hive world,inhabited by more than fifty billion humans. It was a hub ofcommercial and military activity and the threat posed by theclosing space hulk was immense. Wary of boarding the vessel w ithhis crews, the commodore commanding the flotilla sent anastropathic message to the nearby fortress-monastery of the BloodAngels. The Chapter responded in full, led by Commander Sangallo,and within three weeks, the might of the Blood Angels had come toSecoris. The sheer size of the space hulk and its proximity to busyt rade routes through the system precluded any kind of systematicbombardment - debris would pose a serious threat to navigation.Instead Commander Sangallo led a full -scale boarding action. Theinitial stage of t he boarding went wit h little problem, but soonthe Blood Angels encountered growing resistance as they attemptedto take possession of functioning engine rooms and controlchambers. Within thirty minutes, Genestealers were rousing from their hibernati on in great numbers and Sangallo committed hisreserves to bolster the defensive perimeter around the boardingsite, leading the reinforcements himself . Unable to secure thei robjectives, t he Blood Angels diverted their attention to the innerareas of t he ship, seeking the dormant Genestealers. Their attackonly served to hast en t he awakening process and soon t housandsof Genestealers had encircled the advancing Space Marines. Underthe covering fire of t he 1 st Company Terminators, Sangall o triedt o extricate his surrounded squads and was eventually f orced tosend forward the Blood Angels protecting the landing zone toprovide a safe 'corridor' back to the boarding craft. TheGenestealers attack relented for a short whi le and it seemed as ift he Blood Angels would be able to withdraw in good order andre-establish their beachhead. However, the calm was short-lived, asthe Genestealers had not ed the Space Marines' tact ics and nowattacked to separate t hem from the ammunit ion and supportpersonnel at the boarding si t e. The battle descended into anarchyas some squads attempted to break through to their objective whil eot hers fell back t owards the boarding torpedoes. Divided, the Blood Angels were picked off, squad by squad, swamped by theoverwhelming numbers of their f oes. The batt le ended whenSangallo had no choice but to order a general retreat. Though killestimates put enemy slain at close to twelve t housand, thereseemed an unstoppable t ide of the creatures. Of t he entireChapter, only fifty Space Marines survived. Many departed t hespace hulk in saviour pods still functioning aboard some of thespace hulk's vessels. Meanwhile, a few selfless Thunderhawk Gunshippi lots flew into open cargo bays and docking chambers to extricatea handful of other squads. The action had been a completecatastrophe for the Chapt er. The shame of defeat would last farlonger than the losses infl icted. THE SIN OF DAMNATIO It is rareto encounter a space hulk. For much of their existence they aretossed upon the ripples of the Warp, only occasionally breakinginto realspace. Even in the material realm the vast distancesbetween inhabited worlds makes it an unusual occurrence toencounter one of these wandering behemoths. The immense interstellar distances of the galaxy make conventional means of travel nextto impossible. In order to traverse these vast distances, thespaceships of the Imperium and other races utili se Warpspace.However, Warpspace is a dangerous place, wracked by storms andinhabited by monstrous creatures, and it is not uncommon for thecrew of a vessel to be wiped out, either from starvation,Warp-borne predators, murder, suicide or countless other horrors.The lifeless ships are left drifting for centuries. Many of theWarp's rivulets of power draw together in certain places,particularly where the Warp pushes against the boundaries ofreality and causes a Warpstorm. The ghost ships of the Warp aredrawn to these places, where they are crushed toget her by titanicf orces. The resultant mangle of several ships is known as a spacehulk. Some space hulks are relatively small, only two or threevessels compacted together. Others are ancient and vast, hundredsof cubic kilometres or more. Li ke the ships that spawn them, thespace hul ks wander upon the unpredictable currents unt il a chanceevent deposits them back into realspace. It is then that they maybecome a lair for t he Genestealers. The space hulks can driftthrough space undet ect ed for centuries, bringing t heGenestealers to new worlds to infect. Thei r space-borne home is aperfect lure for the unwary; the ships that make up a space hulkoften carry highly prized, imperishable cargoes or are examples ofvaluable lost technology. Perhaps it was fate, the wi ll of theEmperor or t he machinations of the Chaos Gods, that the BloodAngels were contacted by the Rogue Trader Borrak Vorra, captain ofthe Windrush, a little more than six hundred years after the disaster at Secoris. By cosmic coincidence, the Rogue Trader had droppedout of Warpspace almost on top of a gigantic space hulk only a fewlight years from the Blood Angels' home system of Baal. + + CAPTAINRAPHAEL, BLOOD ANGELS CHA PTER, MISSION L OG START. MISSI ON CLOCKSET AT EIGHT MINUTES TO IMPACT. BOARDING PARTY DESPATCHED. SUPPORTPARTIES WAITING FOR LAUNCH. + + + + BLESS YOUR WEAPONS, RAISEPRAYER FOR YOUR ARMOUR. BEGIN TidE LI T ANIES OF' HATRED. + + Whenword came of the new space hulk the Blood Angels seized theopportunity to redeem t heir past f ailure. Under the leadership ofCaptain Raphael of the 1 st Company, the Blood Angels sent a taskforce to intercept and investigate the vessel. Dubbed t he Sin ofDamnation by the Blood Angels, the space hulk was large, made f romthe wrecks of nearly a dozen different vessels. Scans performed bythe Windrush crew revealed there were high concentrations of alienlifesigns aboard and Captain Raphael treated the entire vessel ashostile territory, suspecting a large Genestealer presence. StrikeCruisers of the Blood Angels transporting t he 1 st Company andsupporting troops broke Warp close to the Sin of Damnation andlaunched boarding torpedoes. Whil e t he assault craft blazedthrough the ether, scanners bathed the vessel with low-power multi-spectral -04.22.50 + + THE BLOOD ANGE LS HAVE RETURNED. WE AVENGENINE HUNDRED'AND' FIFTY DEAD. TIME A L ONE DOES NOT HEAL OURWOUNDS. + + analysis, to provide overall layout data and identifythe concentrations of the dormant aliens. Stronger scanners riskedalerting the hibernating Genest ealers before the Terminators wereaboard, so Captain Raphael deployed autonomous recon devices knownas Cyber-Altered Task units, each teleported to a strategic pointaboard the space hulk t o coll ect vital inf ormation. The scansshowed that the majority of the space hulk was powerless andlifeless, exposed to the open vacuum of space. The bulk of it svast. chaoti c architecture served no function at all. Inside was aseemingly random labyrinth of empty mess rooms, access corridors,dormitories, loading bays, storage chambers, command decks,maintenance bays and other facilities. The haphazard maze wascriss-crossed by energy lines, power relays, pipes, cables,communication trunks, venting ducts and other crawlspaces. It wouldhave taken years to clear every last nook and cranny. Raphael's Strike Cruisers orbited the space hul k at a safe distance, theirbombardment cannons and torpedoes primed to reduce the Sin ofDamnation to atoms at t he first sign t hat the Genestealers wereescaping or that the mission was failing. Every warrior was underimmense pressure t hat day; it was a matter of honour that theBlood Angels scoured the Genestealer threat from the space hulk andallowed archeotechnologists and other Techpriests to conduct a fullsurvey of the ancient vessels t hat comprised it. Anything elsewould only serve to further crush the Chapter's self-regard,stripping them of all respect and authority. For the sake of theChapter, Captain Raphael and his warriors could not afford to fail. -3.00.25 + + HOLDING COU RSE. ASSIGNED IMPACT POINTS IDENTIFIED. T ARGETING COMP LETE. IMPA C T P ATTERN A NTICI P A TED99. 5 % ACCURATE. + + + + W E A RE THE VANGUARD O F HONOUR . THECUTTING EDGE OF THE SLooD ANGELS. WE BRING DEATH. + + BOARDING THESPACE HULK Closer analysis of the life scan data showed a hugeconcentration of Genestealers in the cargo hold of an ancientmerchantman. Though it was impossible to get anything like anaccurate number, due to the low level of the scan and the dormantmetabolisms of the aliens, Captain Raphael's technicians informedhim that there were at least forty thousand Genestealers aboard,probably more. Any other commander might have baulked at such odds,but not Raphael. He was a Space Marine of the Blood Angels and thepride of his Chapter rested entirely on hi s shoulders. He gave theorder for the boarding torpedoes to complete their final approach.The battle would begin very soon. With painful memories of theBlood Angels' defeat at Secoris, it was decided to commit only theChapter's Terminators against the enemies aboard the Sin ofDamnation. Over long centuries, the 1st Company had been rebuiltand Terminator armour repai red and constructed. Roughly eightywarriors in total were involved in the f ighting, under the commandof Captain Raphael, the company commander. The majority of theseSpace Marines were organised into five-man squads. With informationscarce, Raphael deployed his warriors using boarding torpedoes,rather t han putting his trust in the vagaries of teleportertechnology. Huge missile-like boarding craft blasted through theether, punching through the outer hull of the space hulk. The SpaceMarines disembarked from their assault craft and swiftlyestablished guard positions against counter-attack. With t hebreach made, a perimeter was established inside which Techmarinesand other support personnel could be moved aboard the space hulk.Thi s base of operations would be essential to the Blood Angels'success, providing ammunition and ongoing repairs to the SpaceMarines as they pressed outwards from the landing site. In order toretain command overview, Captain Raphael remained on board theStrike Cruiser Angel's Sword. From here he was able t o pass onstrategic objectives to the squads in the space hulk, leavingindividual missions to the initiative, t raining and experience ofthe squad sergeants. By removing himself from direct f ighting,Captain Raphael was able to maintain a degree of strategicoversight that was lacking in the Blood Angels' encounter atSecoris, ensuring that the Space Marines and their supportresources were effectively deployed in a hazardous andever-changing battle. -00.1 1.01 + + RETRO SEQUENCE COMPLETE.IMPACT VELOCITY. + + ++ ENEFlGISING RAM SHIELDS .. + + + + OURMISSI ON IS A GIFT FROM T HE E MPERO R . VICTDRY WILL RED EEM OURFOREBEARS. WE ARE BLESSED. + + + + IMPACT. + + MISSION BRIEFINGThis book contains twelve missions for Space Hulk. They combine totell a story which details what happened when the Blood Angelsboarded the Sin of Damnation. The missions are presented inchronological order. The missions can be played as one-off games oras a campaign. When played as one-off games you simply need to picka mission to play, decide who wi ll take command of each side, andthen battle it out. We recommend that new players use Mission 1 fortheir first game. The mission instructions will explain how youdecide the winner. In a campaign, on the other hand, the missionsare played in order one after another, with the same playercommanding each side. The player t hat wins the most games in theseries is the overall winner of the campaign. Because most missionstake an hour or so to complete, Space Hulk is perfect ly suited formatch play. We suggest that each t ime you try a mission, play ittwice, with the players swapping sides after the first game. Keeptrack of how many turns the game takes and how many casualtiesoccurred for both sides on a piece of paper. If one player winsboth games, he wins an out right victory. If you 'split' t he games(which will mean that ei t her t he Genestealers or Space Mari neswill have won both ti mes) the player that caused t he most casualties, or, if st ill t ied, who succeeded in hi s f ulfill ing hisobjectives in t he shortest amount of time, is the winner. MapBackground Each mission is based on an incident that took placewhen the Blood Angels boarded the Sin of Damnation. The map showshow to set up the board and where to place doors and models. At thestart of the mission all doors are closed. The map also shows theGenestealer entry areas and any other pertinent information, suchas the location of any special objects. _""-" ..... ., ____ ___IooW .. .. _* ........ _. _ ____ .... . .,...:_o-..a.r. ....'"'--

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