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Login / Sign-up Search Questions and Answers 0 William McLarin May 18, 2017 at 01:18 PM Integrating SAP TM 9.3 and ALK PC Miler (Cloud version) 855 Views Last edit Sep 15, 2017 at 06:04 PM 2 rev Follow RSS Feed We want to use ALK PC Miler for Geocoding and DDD in our TM 9.3 system (SP04) but we are having some trouble getting the interface set up for Geocoding.
We envision a synchronous outbound interface requesting Geo Coordinates (Lat & Long) using the Geocode request message from SAP TM 9.3 to 3rd Party GIS (ALK PC*Miler Web Service) via SAP Process Orchestration 7.5 interface. SAP PO established connection with PC*Miler Web Service by consuming PC*Miler WSDL and successfully sending request message and receiving response message.
Pc Miler Full Versionl
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On the road, the software features the graphic lane guidance and text-to-speech features that we like to see in our navigators. The interface is extremely customizable, capable of displaying as much or as little information as the driver needs at the touch of a button. From a full-screen map with a bottom info bar to a 50-50 split of text and map data to a full-on text and graphic interface without a map, the CoPilot 8 software will bend to your level of involvement.
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