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EdBlocks is a fully graphical robot programming language for the Edison robot that is super easy to use. A drag-and-drop block-based system, EdBlocks is intuitive and fun, even for younger users. Perfect for introducing anyone to programming, EdBlocks is ideal for students aged 8 to 12 years old.
The EdBlocks activity worksheets are designed to allow students to work through activities independently, gradually learning about both the Edison robot and EdBlocks. This set of 23 lesson activities is perfect for students in year levels 3 to 6.
We want to make robotics and computer science education available to everyone, which is why these teaching resources have been released under a Creative Commons licence. You are free to use these resources as they are, translate them, share them or use them as the base to develop your own customised lessons.
This means that all customers purchasing Edison robots and accessories with an Australian shipping address must now pay GST. The GST will be automatically added to your purchase and show as a line item on your invoice.
OpenDR is a European research project developing a toolkit for core robotic functionalities based on deep learning. Cyberbotics provides its simulation expertize and demonstrates the deep learning toolkit capabilities on the web.
This website is authored by Dr. Yinong Chen and Dr. Gennaro De Luca and is operational since 2015. ASU VIPLE is a Visual IoT/Robotics Programming Language Environment developed at Arizona State University, in the IoT and Robotics Education Laboratory. VIPLE is initially based on the functional definition of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio (MRDS) and (Visual Programming Language (VPL), and it extends their functionalities to include many more educational functions. Microsoft discontinued the development and support to its MRDS and VPL in 2012. ASU VIPLE is developed to support MRDS and VPL community, so that they can continue to program their robots in the same way. ASU VIPLE has open APIs and interface. It supports a variety of IoT and robotics platforms, including EV3 and open platform IoT systems and robots, such as robots based on Intel and ARM architecture. ASU VIPLE works in the same way as MRDS and VPL. The VIPLE program runs on a backend PC, and receives sensor and motor feedback, and sends commands to the robot motors. ASU VIPLE supports both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections between the PC and the robots. The data transferred between the PC and the IoT/robot are packed into JSON objects.
The basic functions of ASU VIPLE can be taught to high school students and college freshman students in their computational thinking and first introduction to engineering course. The advanced features, such as service-oriented computing, parallel computing, machine-learning and AI programming, autonomous driving experiments, and Pi Calculus expressions, can be used in advanced computing classes. This site includes documents, downloads, sample code, video, lecture slides, and other resources. For more information, please contact Dr. Yinong Chen at
An inverse dynamics and kinematics of a flexible manipulator is derived in symbolic form based on the recursive Lagrangian assumed mode method. A PC-based program has implemented the algorithm to automatically generate the inverse dynamics and kinematics for an elastic robot in a symbolic form. A case study is given to illustrate how to use this program for inverse dynamic and kinematic generation. Simulation results for a case study by considering different mode shape are compared with the rigid case.
The R-30iB Plus robot controller's integrated, high-performance PMC has access to the entire robot I/O system, enabling easy separate or asynchronical control of peripheral devices with no detrimental effects on robot performance.
With the exception of the larger B-Cabinet, all FANUC R-30iB Plus robot controllers are compact and easy to integrate into single robot production cells. For multi-robot installations they can be stacked.
Open-Air Cabinet Ideal for M1, M2, M3 and LR Mate robots, this unit is powerful and self-contained. It is built for office or it can be mounted into cabinets for very dirty or humid environments. It is also stackable for multi-robot cells.
The existing shortage of therapists and caregivers assisting physically disabled individuals at home is expected to increase and become serious problem in the near future. The patient population needing physical rehabilitation of the upper extremity is also constantly increasing. Robotic devices have the potential to address this problem as noted by the results of recent research studies. However, the availability of these devices in clinical settings is limited, leaving plenty of room for improvement. The purpose of this paper is to document a review of robotic devices for upper limb rehabilitation including those in developing phase in order to provide a comprehensive reference about existing solutions and facilitate the development of new and improved devices. In particular the following issues are discussed: application field, target group, type of assistance, mechanical design, control strategy and clinical evaluation. This paper also includes a comprehensive, tabulated comparison of technical solutions implemented in various systems.
The survey of robotic devices is comprised of advanced technology systems. As defined in this report, the design of advance technology systems includes sensors, actuators, and control units; purely mechanical solutions are excluded from this survey. Although the research team made an effort to identify as many systems as possible, it is reasonable to acknowledge that many systems are left unmentioned. Nevertheless, this documentation is intended to be a valuable source of information for engineers, scientists and physiotherapists working on new solutions for physical rehabilitation.
Another group of the robotic devices used for rehabilitation purposes, much bigger than the group of devices supporting basic ADLs, constitute devices providing physical therapy. These may be designed for either specialized therapeutic institutes or home-based conditions. A vast majority of these devices may be used only at therapeutic institutes since they require supervised assistance from qualified personnel. Their price is often prohibitive for personal use due to their complexity. The patient demand for home-based therapy is expected to increase. Along this context, the concept of the Gloreha system (Idrogenet srl) is provided in two versions: (1) a more complex and more adaptable professional version intended for use at hospitals and rehabilitation centers and (2) a simplified low-cost version intended for patient use at home. However, according to Dijkers, et al. [102], many therapists may stop using devices if set-up takes more than 5 minutes. Thus new developed devices for physical training should be intuitive, easy and fast to set-up and have a reasonable price.
Haptic devices constitute another group of systems interacting with the user through the sense of touch. Haptic devices are similarly classified as either active or passive, depending on their type of actuator. In this report, haptic devices are independently categorized because their main function is not to cause or resist movement but rather to provide tactile sensation to the user. Other non-actuated devices for upper limb rehabilitation do not generate any forces but provide different feedback. These systems are labeled coaching devices throughout this report. Because coaching devices are sensorized, they serve as input interface for interaction with therapeutic games in virtual reality (VR) (e.g. T-WREX[106], ArmeoSpring from Hocoma AG) or for telerehabilitation (i.e. remotely supervised therapy). Coaching systems using video-based motion recognition (e.g. Microsoft Kinect) would also belong to this category if it were not for their lack of any mechanical part in contact with the patient. Therefore, these systems will not be further discussed in this survey.
The typical end-effector-based systems include serial manipulators (e.g. MIT Manus[107] - Figure 1B, ACRE[108]), parallel (e.g. CRAMER[109] and a system proposed by Takaiwa and Noritsugu [110], both for wrist rehabilitation), and cable-driven robots (e.g. NeReBot[111] - Figure 1C, MACARM[112]). The mechanical structure of HandCARE[113] may be also recognized as the series of end-effector-based cable-driven robots, each of which induce movement of one finger. In this system a clutch system allows independent movement of each finger using only one actuator.
Another example is the 6 DOF Gentle/S[121] system allowing for relatively large reaching movements (three actuated DOF of the end-effector-based commercial haptic interface HapticMaster, Moog in the Netherlands BV [122]) and arbitrary positioning of the hand (connection mechanism with three passive DOF). The Gentle/S system was further supplemented with a three-active-DOF hand exoskeleton to allow grasp and release movements. This new nine DOF system is known as Gentle/G[123].
The HEnRiE[124] is a similar system based on the Gentle/S system. In addition to the three active DOF of HapticMaster, HEnRiE includes a connection mechanism with two passive DOF for positioning of the hand and grasping device (two parallelogram mechanisms allowing parallel opening and closing of fingers attachments) with only one active DOF.
The majority of the devices presented in Table 1 allow movements in three dimensions; however there are also planar robots, i.e., systems allowing movements only on a specified plane (e.g. MEMOS[132] and PLEMO[105]). Also the MIT Manus system initially allowed movements only on one plane [107]. Subsequently, an anti-gravity module added possibility to perform vertical movements [133] (Figure 1B). Designing the device as a planar robot reduces the range of movements that can be exercised for particular joint. It also reduces the cost of the device. Furthermore, when the working plane is well selected, the range of training motion may suffice in most of therapeutic scenarios. Some of such planar devices allow changes in the working space between horizontal and vertical (Braccio di Ferro[134]) or even almost freely selecting the working plane (e.g. PLEMO and Hybrid-PLEMO[135]). It further increases the range of possible exercise scenarios while keeping the cost of the device at a minimum. 2ff7e9595c
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