Again, as a comparative study, A. thaliana mutants were also tested as controls to highlight the robustness of the AEP probe. One of the mutants used was rpm1rps2, which has both the R proteins, RPM1 and RPS2, knocked out. In this regard, the rpm1rps2 mutant is unable to properly activate ETI even after infection with Pseudomonas bacteria carrying AvrRpm1 or AvrRpt2. Shown in Fig. 9d, imaging results clearly show that fluorescence levels in the mutant plant exposed to either AvrRpm1 or AvrRpt2 did not have elevated levels of ethylene production. Instead, fluorescence levels remain on par with the MgCl2 controls. In comparison to the corresponding wild type Col-0, this signifies a dramatic reduction in detected ethylene. Finally, in the case with the acs1/2/6/4/5/9/7/11 mutant, no discernible differences in fluorescence was found with exposure to AvrRpm1 or AvrRpt2 (Fig. 9e), which agrees well with literature61.
Workaround: Open the .aep project using File > Open Project after starting After Effects, or double-click the .aep project file once After Effects is open. It is safe to delete these three subfolders once After Effects is closed.
Double Exposure Slideshow-AEP
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