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Cucm 11.5 Eos: A Guide to the Affected Products and Services


This is a drastic change from previous versions were the phones are no longer supported and may not work properly anymore rather than disabling these models. For example, I have an old 12SP+ at the office and it would register to CUCM 10, but not really work right. In the case of 11.5, IT WILL NOT WORK.

If you use any of these phone models on an older release of Cisco Unified Communications Manager and you upgrade to Release 11.5, the phone will not work after the upgrade completes.

Cucm 11.5 Eos

3 Agenda 1. Session Objectives and Scope 2. CUCM 11.5 Upgrade Methods & Definitions 3. CUCM Upgrades & Migrations with Prime Collaboration Deployment (PCD) 4. CUCM Licensing Overview & Prime License Manager 5. CUCM 11.5 Upgrade Paths 6. System Level Planning and Considerations Q&A * Cisco Unified Communications Manager = CUCM = Unified CM = CallManager * Cisco Prime License Manager = PLM = Cisco Enterprise License Manager = ELM

8 Session Scope 1Bare Metal CUCM Migration Virtualized CUCM Virtualized CUCM SU / RU Virtualized CUCM 11.5 Platform conversion from bare metal CUCM to virtualized CUCM 11.5 Upgrade or migrate to CUCM 11.5 System level approach Compatibility Information for Cisco Unified Communications Manager Release 11.x 8

12 End of Life/Support Notices and Release Selection Milestone Potential Activity Summary Before End-of-Sales Date Ability to deploying new cluster After End-of-Sales Date End of SW Maintenance Start planning for upgrades Desire to complete the upgrade 1 year Deployment Models: - Extended period on a single release with Long-Life Release (i.e. 10.5, 11.5, etc.) - New features with Short-Life Releases (i.e. 11.0, 12.0, etc.) Upgrade Planning: - Consistent release cycles - Predictable End of Sales/Support milestone durations New End-of-Life and End-of-Sale Notices 12

14 Sample CUCM Versions and Builds Reference CUCM Version CUCM Build Numbering Convention 11.5(1)SU2 NEW (1) (1a)SU (1a) (1) (2)SU3a (2)SU (2)SU2a (2)SU (2)SU (2) (1)SU (A.B.C.XYzzz-x) (A) Major version (License) (B) Minor version (Long Life Release) (C) Maintenance release (Patch and/or Features) (X) Build (Patch) (example) (Y) FCS:0, ES or SU: (FCS) (ES or SU look at last three digits) (zzz) FCS:000, ES: , SU: (FCS) (ES) (example) (SU) 14

17 Unified CM OS Admin Types of Upgrades Types of Upgrades SU RU Standard Upgrade (formerly called L2 Upgrade): Appliance/Virtual to Appliance/Virtual model Low complexity with possible shortest downtime Between CUCM versions with the same major RHEL versions (e.g. CUCM 10.0 to 11.0 or CUCM 10.0 to 11.5) RU (Refresh Upgrade): Appliance/Virtual to Appliance/Virtual model with major RHEL version change (starting with RHEL 5) Medium complexity with possible longer downtime (e.g. CUCM 8.6 to 11.5 or CUCM 9.1 to 11.5) 17

24 CUCM 11.5 Deprecated Phone Models Field Notice cm_b_fn-deprecated-phone-models-1151.html? click=cns CUCM 11.5 Release Notes se-notes-cucm-imp-1151/cucm_b_release-notes-cucm-imp-1151_chapter_010.html Phones (14 models) will not be able to register to CUCM 11.5 Check phone models for support and migrate IP phones using Endpoint Refresh Tool - Migration FX before upgrading to CUCM 11.5 Free Migration FX software for 1 years with a Cisco TMP of XX/88XX IP phones (L-CP-MGFX-PROMO=) Free Trial Version of MigrationFX (up to 50 phones) from UnifiedFX Endpoint Refresh Tool - Migration FX Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 3 Cisco Public 24

28 CUCM and ISO/COP Files CUCM 9.1(2) CUCM accepts RSA v2 COP file adds RSA v3 COP (sgn) file CUCM accepts RSA v3 CUCM 11.5 ISO RSA v3 Signed ciscocm.version3-keys.cop CUCM 11.5 ISO CUCM 9.1(2) CUCM accepts RSA v2 CUCM 10.0 ISO is RSA v2 ISO CUCM 10.0 CUCM 10.0 CUCM accepts RSA v2 /v3 CUCM 11.5 ISO RSA v3 Signed ISO CUCM 11.5 ciscocm.free_common_space_v1.0.cop.sgn CUCM 11.0 CUCM accepts RSA v3 CUCM accepts RSA v3 X COP file is RSA v2 Signed COP (sgn) file COP file is RSA v3 Signed COP (sgn) file ciscocm.free_common_space_v1.3.k3.cop.sgn Verify that Third-party COP files have been signed with RSA v3 if installed onto CUCM 11.X or later: 2N, Ascom, Avara, BT, DoCoMo, Fujitsu, Intelbras, IP Blue, IP Trade, Mindshare, Mobile Heartbeat, Nokia, RIM, Sony, Speakerbus, Spectralink, Syn-Apps, Tandberg, Telecore, Telematrix, Verizon

36 Prime Collaboration Deployment (PCD) MCS Migrate Example CUCM 6.X CUCM 7.X CUCM 8.X CUCM 9.X PCD ESXi Host ESXi 6.0 API Support with PCD 11.5(1)SU1+ PCD is a VMware vapp used for management of Cisco collaboration applications: - CUCM - CUC - CUP / IM&P - CUCCX Management tasks (Upgrade, Switch Versions, Server Restart, Readdress, Install and Migrate) are based on collaboration application and version of the application VMware vapp is pre-configured virtual machine with OS and PCD application (1.5GB) pcd_vapp_ucos_ _vmv7_v1.2.ova PCD OVA containing preinstalled app ships as part of UCM media kit Bootable ISO Available via PUT or TAC (NOT posted on CCO) Update ISOs are Posted on CCO 36

37 CUCM Supported Tasks by PCD 11.5(3) Reference Feature CUCM 6.1(5) CUCM 7.1(3), 7.1(5) CUCM 8.0(1-3) CUCM 8.5(1) CUCM 8.6(1-2) CUCM 9.x CUCM 10.X CUCM 11.X Migration to 10.X/11.X X X X X X X X X New Fresh Install X X Upgrade X X X X Switch Version X X X X Restart X X X X Readdress (Hostname/IP Address Change) X X PCD 11.5(3) Administration Guide: 37

38 CUP/IM&P Supported Tasks by PCD 11.5(3) Reference Feature 8.5(4) 8.6(3-5) 9.x 10.x 11.X Migration to 10.X/11.X X X X X X New Fresh Install X X Upgrade + COP Install X X X X Switch Version X X X X Restart X X X X Readdress (Hostname/IP Address Change) PCD 11.5(3) Administration Guide: 38

39 PCD Requirements PCD CUCM CUC CUCCX Virtual machine virtual requirements VOS VOS VOS VOS - 2 vcpu - 4 GB vram - 80 GB vdisk (Consider Increasing) VMware requirements - To run PCD On - ESXi 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5 and To perform Fresh Install or Migration Tasks New ESXi 6 Hypervisor Server Hardware CPU Memory NIC Storage - VMware API Support for ESXi 6.0 with PCD 11.5(1)SU1+ - CUCM-BE 6K / CUCM-BE 7K (ESXi ) shipped with Cisco UC Virtualization Hypervisor. NO PCD Support - Update to Cisco UC Virtualization Foundation 5.5 / 6.0 or to Cisco UC Virtualization Hypervisor Plus - New CUCM-BE 6/7K (ESXi 6.0) comes with Cisco UC Virtualization Hypervisor Plus 6.0 with PCD Support Virtualization Software Requirements 39

40 PCD 11.5(3) Supported Versions of ESXi Reference PCD Version ESXi Version of Host for UC Applications 11.5(1) (1)SU1, 11.5(2), 11.5(3) 5.5 / 6.0 PCD Version Migrate or Fresh install Task Supported CUCM Releases 11.5(1), 11.5(1)SU1 10.5(2) / 11.0(1) 11.5(2), 11.5(3) 10.5(2) / 11.0(1) / 11.5(1) Upgrade PCD to latest version 11.5(3) First 40

41 Ordering and Deploying PCD Initially PUT OVA PCD_VAPP.OVA for vsphere Client PCD Version pcd_vapp_ucos.ova PCD Build 11.5(3) (2) (1)SU (3)SU Product Upgrade Tool (PUT) - PCD part of CUCM Software Version 10.X/11.X for PUT Only NEW Download as pcd_vapp_ucos_ _vmv7_v1.2.ova Downloads Home Products Unified Communications Call Control Unified Communications Manager (CallManager) Unified Communications Manager Version 11.5 Prime Collaboration Deployment Updates-11.5(3) PCD Prime Collaboration Deployment Updates 11.5(3) 41

42 PCD Interactions with External Components PCD and VMware ESXi communication - ESXi host root credential no longer required - w/ PCD 11.5(2) Host and Virtual Machine privileges are sufficient - NFS mounts PCD /fresh_install directory - ESXi Support Limitations 5.x vs 6.0 PCD - ESXi License Requirements ftp/sftp - Data center or server team coordination ucsinstall*.iso,*cop.sgn bootable*.iso sftp /upgrade /fresh_install Virtualized CUCM 11.X VMware vsphere ESXi Host 42

48 PCD Assisted Upgrades and Migrations Types of Upgrades/ Migrations U M From CUCM Version PCD Upgrade (Virtual to Virtual) 8.6(1),8.6(2),9.0.(1),9.1(1),9.1(2),10.0(1), 10.5(1),10.5(2),11.0(1),11.5(1) From CUCM Version PCD Migration (Physical to Virtual) 6.1(5),7.1(3),7.1(5),8.0(1),8.0(2),8.0(3), 8.5(1),8.6(1),8.6(2),9.0.(1),9.1(1),9.1(2) Simple Migration: Same network settings (IP addresses and/or hostnames) Network Migration: New network settings (IP addresses and/or hostnames) Target CUCM Version 10.X or 11.X Target CUCM Version 10.X or 11.X 48

49 Bare Metal to virtualized with PCD (PCDM) CUCM on MCS PCD Virtualized CUCM 11.5 Detailed step by step with screen captures are in the appendix (25 slides) Bare metal CUCM to virtualized CUCM (P2V) - Installs ciscocm.ucmap_platformconfig.cop & ciscocm.migrate-export-vx.y.cop file to the source servers to export data - Builds a new migration cluster (Manual Task Required to first deploy OVAs) - Exports and Imports data Same or different destination IP address and/or hostname Source or Destination Migration Cluster can be behind NAT Scheduled or immediate execution Sample Powershell Script in Appendix** NEW PCD 10.5(2) 49

51 PCD Considerations and Planning Cisco UC Virtualization Hypervisor with older Cisco BE6K and BE7K ESXi Support for Vmware APIs (Fresh Install, Migration Tasks) Lab testing with or without NAT feature Remember vsphere DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) is not Supported Consider network traffic to and from PCD (NFS, SFTP) PCD does not auto install SU/RU upgrade required COP file(s) - ciscocm.version3-keys.cop.sgn - ciscocm.refresh_upgrade_v1.3.cop.sgn Inspect PCD logs via activelog tomcat/logs/ucmap/log4j/ucmap*.log PCD 11.5(3) Administration Guide: 51

56 License Manager Versions and Builds License Manager Enterprise License Manager (ELM) Version Build Reference Same as CUCM Same as CUCM e.g. 9.1(2) SU Prime License Manager (PLM) 10.X-11.X ELM is built into CUCM ISO Version Build NEW 11.5(1)SU1a (1) (2) (1) (1) Co-resident: same build as CUCM Standalone: Different build as CUCM PLM is built into CUCM ISO or installed as independent / Standalone Deployment with its own Bootable ISO 56

73 Appliance (MCS) to Virtualized CUCM 11.5 CUCM 6.1(5) CUCM 7.1(3/5) CUCM 8.X CUCM 9.X PCD Migration CUCM 11.5 CUCM 8.6 CUCM 9.X Unified CM OS Admin Migrate (DRS Backup) CUCM 11.5 PCD Migration Method is recommended Unified CM OS Admin upgrade will work for some situations Access to media Server supporting CUCM 8.X or 9.X 74 2ff7e9595c

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