In July 2022, an 18-year-old Spanish man flying from Rome to Alicante, airdropped some pictures of skulls and a generic menace in Aramaic to some of the passengers, before take off. As the crew was informed and the captain asked for police intervention, the flight left with a two hour delay and the young man was charged with procuring an alarm.[31]
like dorje says, keeping airdrop apart from ipads and iphones is not very practical for most of us having set of mac, ipad and iphone. icloud doesnt help much here as doesnt support many file airdrop is handy only if your colleques happen to work w mac..anybody knows if there is solution for this already?!
Airdrop For Mac Os
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AirDrop is an Apple's on-the-air file transfer app using a low-latency, high-speed peer-to-peer protocol. It is a way to drop files between Apple ecosystem devices. Supposedly, we will airdrop files from Mac to iPad, from Mac to iPhone, from Mac to Mac, from iPhone to Mac, from iPad to Mac, from iPhone to iPad, or from iPhone to iPhone. However, people are finding the AirDrop feature not working ideally. 2ff7e9595c